Duel on Mustafar (15)Full unit name: Duel on Mustafar (ROTS)
Last updated: 08.08.2024 1:15:55
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Basic info
First appearance: Revenge of the Sith
Revenge of the Sith
Relations: Mustafar
Known Facts (3)
The Duel on Mustafar was a confrontation during the Great Jedi Purge in 19 BBY, where the recently apprenticed Sith Lord, Darth Vader
Darth Vader
Major Characters
, clashed with his former best friend, and Jedi
Jedi Order
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Major Characters
, on the Outer Rim planet of Mustafar. After gaining knowledge of Skywalker's downfall from Grand Master Yoda
Major Characters
at the Jedi Temple, Kenobi arrived on Mustafar, where he attempted to reason with Anakin, not believing that Emperor Palpatine
Major Characters
, also known as the Sith Master, Darth Sidious, had taken control of his mind. However, Anakin no longer cared for their friendship, and quickly claimed that Kenobi was his enemy; the pair then ignited their lightsabers and locked blades, fighting through the murder scene in the Klegger Corp Mining Facility, where Anakin had recently slaughtered the members of the Separatist Council.
The fight progressed on the structures of the massive facility that hovered over the deadly lava of Mustafar. Kenobi and Anakin soon found themselves trapped on a structure collection arm connected on the facility when it was separated from the facility by the lava and descended onto a hot stream. Kenobi managed to fall onto a lava skiff that was heading in the opposite direction of the fallen collection arm in the stream. Anakin soon followed suit and jumped onto a droid collector where the two continued to fight. Kenobi managed to jump onto a high lava bend slope, and claimed that the duel was over due to his advantage. The Sith attempted to follow, but Anakin, in his hubris, failed to deflect Kenobi's final attack, a devastating mou kei maneuver, which severed Anakin's remaining organic limbs, and Anakin rolled down to the edge of the lava bend, bringing the duel to an end.
Then, Kenobi - overcome with remorse over his friend's transformation - cried out that he had believed that Anakin was the Chosen One and his destiny was to destroy the Sith, but instead he joined them. Unable, but most likely unwilling, to connect with his former best friend, the Sith was consumed by the fires of the lava that leaked onto the lava bend; leaving Anakin to die, Kenobi retreated and took his fallen apprentice's lightsaber. Afterwards, Anakin's new master, Darth Sidious, found
Recovery on Mustafar (ROTS)
The Clone Wars
his injured apprentice and took him back to the galactic capital of Coruscant
to be rebuilt; the suit that now Darth Vader donned there would be one that the Dark Lord would wear for the rest of his life.


See also
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Galactic EmpireStructureCharactersAnakin Skywalker
Jedi Order
Related units, characters and other technologies
Padme AmidalaMembershipRepublic SenateSenator from NabooJ-type Star SkiffWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsELG-3A Blaster Pistol
Obi-Wan KenobiMembershipJ-type Star SkiffPassenger
Anakin SkywalkerMembershipGalactic EmpireWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsAnakin's Second Lightsaber
C-3POMembershipJ-type Star SkiffPassenger
J-type Star SkiffCrew, Passengers and CargoCharactersPadme AmidalaObi-Wan Kenobi (Passenger)C-3PO (Passenger)
SenatorMembershipRepublic SenatePadme Amidala (represented Naboo)
Complete list

Full unit name: Duel on Mustafar (ROTS) Last updated: 08.08.2024 1:15:55